The Campbell Advanced Manufacturing Education Laboratory for Fabrication (CAMEL Fab) is located in Room 102 of Carrie Rich Hall. It is a prototyping workshop for students of the School of Engineering and contains mills, lathes, saws, drills, a laser engraver, and other hand and small power tools. The Hump is a portion of the Fab that contains woodworking equipment.
The CAMEL Fab is solely for the use of the students, faculty, and staff of the School of Engineering. Any use by others must be approved by the Lab Manager or Dean.
The CAMEL Fab will be open during set hours and staffed by students of the School of Engineering under the direction of the Laboratory Manager.
Users of the facility must participate in the CAMEL Fab Safety and Training Program. They must agree to all guidelines of the program and refrain from using equipment for which they have not been expressly qualified.
Users may be asked to contribute to the operations of the facility by paying for materials used.
Users must comply with directions from the lab supervisors regardless of their rank or experience.
Users must refrain from making things considered profane, offensive or dangerous. No weapons or components of weapons will be allowed in the facility.
Users who violate the above policies may have their privileges revoked by the Dean of the School of Engineering.