Program Educational Objectives

Campbell graduates will:
  1. Demonstrate engineering knowledge, skills, and behavior to exceed the expectations of employers and address problems to improve people’s lives.
  2. Continuously engage in professional development by seeking new career challenges, taking on leadership roles, and/or pursuing educational opportunities.
  3. Perform meaningful service in their personal and professional communities.
  4. Exemplify professionalism, moral courage, empathy, respect, and ethical responsibility as informed by Christian principles.
  5. Excel at collaboration in diverse team-based environments to achieve outstanding results.

These are are broad statements that describe what our graduates are expected to attain within a few years after graduation. Program educational objectives are based on the needs of our program’s constituencies: students, employers/industry, alumni and faculty. These tenets are consistent with the mission of Campbell University, the needs of the program’s various constituencies, and ABET criteria. Program constituencies review these program educational objectives every three years to ensure that they remain consistent with the university’s mission, our program’s constituents’ needs, and ABET criteria.