New Student Requirements

Laptop Requirement

All Campbell School of Engineering students are required to have a laptop computer capable of running industry-standard engineering software. Engineering will provide every student with a laptop pre-loaded with required engineering software at the beginning of their first semester of study. The cost of the laptop is included in your fees for the first semester you are enrolled in engineering at Campbell, and the laptop becomes the property of each student at that time. This requirement is mandatory. Your laptop will be used regularly in classes and for assignments. It is necessary to succeed in the engineering program. Note that School of Engineering specifications differ from and exceed the University’s general computer recommendations by a large margin – these are powerful machines vendor-certified to run engineering software without errors.

Questions about computing may be directed to Dr. Lee Rynearson of the School of Engineering at

Living With The Lab Tool Kit

Students taking ENGR120 and ENGR121 are required to have the Living With the Lab (LWTL) Tool Kit. The Kit is included in your fees for the first semester you are enrolled in ENGR120 at Campbell, and the kit becomes the property of each student at that time.  This requirement is mandatory.