Student Organizations

Student organizations help students achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, by providing community and experiential opportunities in the engineering profession.

Campbell Society of Women Engineers (SWE) Collegiate Section

SWE’s mission is to support its members to “achieve (their) full potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving the quality of life, and demonstrate the value of diversity”. Open to any interested student, SWE provides collegiate members with opportunities to network with professionals in the region, engage in professional development training, participate in outreach and service activities, and interact with potential employers.

Campbell’s SWE Collegiate Section was approved in June 2017 and is part of SWE’s Region D. The Section co-sponsors Campbell’s annual National Engineer’s Week activities, meets with Eastern NC SWE Professional Section members, attends the annual SWE WE Conference and Career Fair, hosts a variety of external speakers, and offers members opportunities to become involved in the School of Engineering, the broader campus community and the region.


For more information on Campbell’s SWE Collegiate Section, contact Campbell’s SWE Faculty Advisor, Dr. Jenna P. Carpenter.

Learn more about SWE

Campbell National Society of Professional Engineers / Professional Engineers of North Carolina (NSPE/PENC) Student Chapter

NSPE, in partnership with the State Societies such as PENC, is the national organization of licensed Professional Engineers (PEs) and Engineer Interns (EIs). As such, it serves as the recognized and authoritative expert in engineering licensure, ethics, and professional practice; promotes licensure and assists individuals in becoming licensed; and protects and enhances the value of licensure and the opportunities for the licensed engineer. Student members benefit from a variety of free resources, networking opportunities, news about the engineering profession, and products and services aimed at supporting their progress toward professional licensure.

Campbell University has the only active NSPE Student Chapter in the State of North Carolina. The Chapter co-sponsors Campbell’s annual National Engineer’s Week activities, volunteers at the NSPE MathCounts competition, meets with NSPE/PENC professional members, attends the annual PENC Summer Conference, hosts a variety of external speakers, and offers members opportunities to become involved in the School of Engineering, the broader campus community and the region.


For more information on Campbell’s NSPE/PENC Student Chapter, contact Faculty Advisor Dr. Michele Miller.

Learn more about NSPE Student ChaptersNSPE Student Information

Campbell American Institute of Chemical Engineering (AIChE) Student Section

AIChE is the global leader of the chemical engineering profession, whose mission is to promote excellence in chemical engineering education and global practice, advance the development and exchange of relevant knowledge, uphold and advance the profession’s standards, ethics and diversity, promote safety in every aspect of chemical engineering, enhance the lifelong career development and financial security of chemical engineers through products, services, networking, and advocacy, facilitate public understanding of technical issues; and achieve excellence in operations of the Institute.

The Campbell University student section of AIChE was approved in summer 2018 and provides an opportunity for students to begin engaging in the professional chemical engineering profession. AIChE assists in planning Engineering Week during February, hosts industry professionals for talks, and plans a plant tour every year. It also allows students in the chemical/pharmaceutical engineering concentration to connect via a community of common professional interests.


For more information on Campbell’s AIChE chapter, contact Faculty Advisor, Dr. Jacqueline Gartner.

Learn more about AIChE

Campbell IEEE Student Chapter

Formerly know as the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE’s mission is to foster technological innovative and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization for the advancement of technology.

Campbell’s IEEE Student Chapter provides our students with the opportunity to meet with industry leaders, participate in professional development programs, conferences and regional or national competitions, as well as develop contacts for internships and future career opportunities. As part of the IEEE Eastern North Carolina Section, our Student Chapter is able to connect with local professional and other engineering students through networking event, technical talks and social events.


For more information, contact Campbell’s IEEE Student Chapter Faculty Advisor, Dr. Kim Fowler.

Learn more about IEEE

Campbell American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Student Section

ASME’s mission is “to serve diverse global communities by advancing, disseminating, and applying engineering knowledge for improving the quality of life; and communicating the excitement of engineering”. 

The Campbell University student section of ASME provides an opportunity for students to begin their professional careers by joining a professional engineering society; to inform students of recent developments in the field of mechanical engineering through publications, field trips, and meetings; to promote fellowship and interaction with other student sections, as well as the professional sectors of the Society; and to create a sense of unity between the Campbell community and the Engineering faculty. This is done through inviting speakers from industry, being involved with events within the School of Engineering, and community service. 


For more information on Campbell’s ASME chapter, contact Faculty Advisor, Dr. Allison Lee.

Learn more about ASME

Campbell Human Exploration Rover Team (HERC)

The Human Exploration Rover Challenge (HERC) is a NASA-sponsored international competition focused on the design of human-powered off-road rovers. Students participating  in the CU Human Exploration Rover Team (HERT) design human-powered off-road rovers capable of taking on various obstacles yet able to fold into a five-foot cube, along with preparing tools and equipment to face challenging scientific sampling and other simulated off-world tasks that NASA devises. Team members gain experience with design, fabrication, project management, and teamwork. Campbell competes against colleges from all over the globe at the annual HERC competition at NASA’s Marshall Space Center in Huntsville, AL.

Founded in 2017, Campbell Engineering began competing in NASA’s challenge for the first time during the 2018-2019 academic year, and has since won multiple international awards, including:

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge 2024 – Overall Competition 3rd Place
For over all excellence in design, documentation, presentation and performance, Collegiate category

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge 2024 – Pit Crew Award
For best demonstrating resourcefulness and teamwork during rover repair, Collegiate category

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge 2022 – Task Challenge Award
Awarded to the team that best demonstrated a 3D printed tool design for the liquid sample retrieval task.

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge 2022 – Overall Competition 3rd Place
For over excellence in design, documentation, presentation and performance, Collegiate category

NASA Human Exploration Rover Challenge 2021 – Project Review Award
For the team with the best technical reports and presentations in the Collegiate category


For more information on Campbell’s Human Exploration Rover Team (HERC), contact Faculty Advisor, Dr. Lee K. Rynearson.

Learn more about NASA HERC

Tau Beta Eta Engineering Honor Society

Campbell’s Tau Beta Eta Engineering Honor Society inducts engineering majors in the top one-eighth of the junior class and in the top one-fifth of the senior class. Students must demonstrate both distinguished scholarship and exemplary character to be admitted. Membership is considered a high honor. The society holds both professional development and business meetings, as well as participates in service activities during E Week each February.


For more information, contact Faculty Advisor Dr. Alison Polasik

National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges Scholars Program

The Campbell University School of Engineering and engineering schools around the world are working to prepare students to work anywhere in the world in the 21st century. Over 90 institutions worldwide have created a National Academy of Engineering (NAE) Grand Challenges Scholars Program (GCSP) to provide students with training in multidisciplinary projects, entrepreneurship, a mentored or creative experience, multicultural competency, and social consciousness, all focused around developing skills to address one of the NAE’s fourteen Grand Challenges for Engineering in the 21st Century. Scholars participate in virtual international design competitions, attend national conferences, participate in idea pitch and business plan competitions, engage in engineering design service projects abroad and more. Campbell GCSP Scholars have won international design competitions, founded their own businesses, and attended Global Grand Challenge Summits, sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering, Royal Academy of Engineering and Chinese Academy of Engineering.


For more information on Grand Challenges Scholars Program, contact Dr. Jenna P. Carpenter.

Learn more about the NAE GCSP