Chemical/Pharmaceutical Engineering Concentration

Engineering (Bachelor of Science Engineering)

Chemical/Pharmaceutical Engineering Concentration

Students pursuing the Engineering (Bachelor of Science Engineering) degree take a common set of foundational courses in math and science in addition to engineering courses such as first-year design, senior design, statics & strength of materials, circuits, thermodynamics, fluids, and engineering economics.  The Chemical/Pharmaceutical Engineering Concentration includes a focus on mass & energy balances, mass transport, heat transport, reaction engineering, unit operations and courses related to pharmaceutical engineering, such as microbiology & biochemistry and bioprocess engineering. Paired with a solid engineering core and hands-on project-based approach, the Chemical/Pharmaceutical Engineering Concentration prepares graduates for a variety of job opportunities upon graduation with a particular focus in pharmaceuticals. If you plan to attend medical school after obtaining your engineering degree, view the Pre-Med track.

First Year

View common first-year courses for all concentrations

Sophomore Year

Sophomore Fall Semester

Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH 223 Calculus II 4
ENGR 220 Statics & Strength of Materials 3
CHEM 227 Organic Chemistry I 4
PHYS 251 Fundamentals of Physics I 4
CHPH 215 Mass and Energy Balances 3
CUC 200 Connections 0.5
Semester Total:   18.5

Sophomore Spring Semester

Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH 224 Calculus III 4
ENGR 260 Electrical Circuits 4
BIOL 111 Basic Biology 4
ECON 201 Microeconomics 3
ENGL 2xx Literature 3
Semester Total:   18.0

Junior Year

Junior Fall Semester

Course Code Course Title Credits
MATH 310 Differential Equations and Linear Algebra 4
BIOL 280 Essentials of Microbiology and Biochemistry 4
ENGR 310 Thermodynamics 3
ENGL 305 Technical Writing and Presentations 3
CHPH 315 Mass Transport 3
Semester Total:   17.0

Junior Spring Semester

Course Code Course Title Credits
ENGR 320 Fluids 3
ENGR 240 Engineering Materials & Processes 4
CHPH 325 Heat Transport 2
CHPH 345 Bioprocess Engineering 2
CHPH 350 Reaction Engineering 3
ENGR 300 Engineering Economics 3
Semester Total:   17.0

Senior Year

Senior Fall Semester

Course Code Course Title Credits
CHPH 440 Process Control 3
HIST 111 or 112 Western Civilization 1 or 2 3
ENGR 491 Senior Design I 4
CHPH 445 Unit Operations 4
CHRS 125 Introduction to Christianity 3
Semester Total:   17.0

Senior Spring Semester

Course Code Course Title Credits
ENGR 492 Senior Design II 2
ENGR 460 Statistical Methods for Engineers 3
Elective 3
ART 131,
or THEA 131
Fine Arts 3
PE 185 Lifetime Wellness 2
Elective 3
Semester Total:   16.0

Total Degree Credit Hours: 132.0

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*ENGR 120, Foundations of Engineering Design I, has the following prerequisites:

  • Math ACT of 25 or higher/Math RSAT of 590 or higher
  • Math ACT of 22-24/Math RSAT of 540-580 AND a grade of “C” or higher in MATH 111, College Algebra, AND a grade of “C” or higher in ENGR 110, Introductory Engineering Applications
  • Math ACT of 21 or below/Math RSAT of 530 or less AND a grade of “C” or higher in MATH 110, Fundamentals of Math, AND a grade of “C” or higher in MATH 111, College Algebra, AND a grade of “C” or higher in ENGR 110, Introductory Engineering Applications

Students not meeting the prerequisites for ENGR 120 may declare engineering as major but must satisfactorily complete the appropriate prerequisites, listed above, before taking ENGR 120 and Math 115.

AP or Advanced Placement credit for math, science, English, history, etc., courses in the curriculum are accepted per the requirements of each corresponding department. Please contact the appropriate department for additional information on AP credit.

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Tier 1 Math ACT of 21 or below / Math RSAT of 530 or below

Tier 2 Math ACT of 22-24 / Math RSAT of 540-580

Tier 3 Math ACT of 25 or higher / Math RSAT of 590 or higher
